
In this page, you will find a collection of articles, videos, podcasts, and other resources I have compiled that tackle many of the pressing questions we all have on race, family, and navigating through these unprecedented times. I encourage you to sift through my work and share any of these resources with your friends and family!




links to more videos:

how babies and toddlers understand race: 20 minute presentation.

China Global TV 5 minutes on talking about race with kids

Chicago News  5 minutes


Raising Good Humans Podcast  about an hour in dialogue about trauma, race and kids

Dr. Allison Briscoe-Smith, Professor, trauma and racism expert, and child psychologist in a conversation about how children understand race, community trauma, the impact of news images, and the balance between protecting kids and preparing them.

Podcast with Common Sense Media 20-minute discussion about taking to children about race and racism

Racism has a profound impact on the health and well-being of our kids. This week, racism against the Black community is being laid bare for all families to see-from the pandemic's disproportionate impact to police brutality and other racist violence.

Podcast with John Powell Center for Greater Good podcast talking with him about othering, belonging and making sense of racialized violence


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